VE - Sri Lanka Collaboration
Village Earth recently concluded a two-week training/consultation with key officers from the Supporting Infrastructure Maintenance to Reduce Rural Poverty (SIMRRP) project team of the Government of Sri Lanka. The SIMRRP project team came to Village Earth with the request to learn techniques to better engage the local farmer organizations with whom they work.

"We want to go to the villages and discuss what we have learned with the farmers. This training is very useful for how we can engage with the farmers."
- Technical Officer, SIMRRP
"We want to go to the villages and discuss what we have learned with the farmers. This training is very useful for how we can engage with the farmers."
- Technical Officer, SIMRRP
Village Earth facilitated workshops on Community Mobilization, Common Property Resource Organizations, etc. as a way for the farmer organizations to take ownership over the rural infrastructure and sustainably maintain it. Village Earth also took the SIMRRP project team on a site visit of the North Poudre Irrigation Co. to see the world-class irrigation organization in Northern Colorado, so SIMRRP could take what they learned here and apply it to their system in Sri Lanka.
Above: Key Village Earth training staff and SIMRRP project team.
If you are interested in Village Earth's specialized training programs or consultations, contact: or +1-970-491-5754
For more information about our training programs, visit our training partner: International Institute for Sustainable Development at Colorado State University.
Labels: common property resource, Sri Lanka, training

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