Village Earth Joins the Appropedia Wiki Community

Village Earth, who created the first wiki for appropriate technology, has joined forces with, the largest wiki for sustainable development, appropriate technology and poverty reduction. Together, Village Earth and Appropedia are promoting the concept of a centralized, consolidated and open information clearinghouse where users can share what they know and find the information they seek. As Dr. Maury Albertson, founder of Village Earth and Peace Corps, put it, "There is an ENORMOUS POTENTIAL here." (His emphasis.) Appropedia Founder Lonny Grafman said "I'm particularly excited to see this public support for open source solutions coming from an organization as highly regarded as Village Earth!"
Village Earth works on sustainable development worldwide, while adhering to the concept that communities already posses the seeds of their own development, and that the optimum approach to development employs a "bottom-up" (listening rather than dictating) participatory process. Village Earth was born in 1993 at an International Conference on Sustainable Village-Based Development, and has a direct affiliation with the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) at Colorado State University (CSU).
Appropedia is a 12 month old living library of sustainability and international development solutions that is managed by a committed team. Appropedia has been experiencing explosive growth in content and user base, and has recently begun recruiting a variety of partner organizations. Appropedia welcomes Village Earth as its newest partner helping to raise awareness of the benefits of open source sustainability solutions. Appropedia uses the same software as Wikipedia, and is committed to being the most user-friendly environment for collaboration in sustainability.
To join Appropedia, Village Earth and their partners in co-creating solutions for a sustainable world, visit Appropedia.
Also, check out the new Village Earth Appropriate Technology page.

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